DISCLAIMER GUYS: This is only based on my experiences and my little knowledge that I gained through out the years. Please also NOTE that requirements often change. The information I stated here is for guidance only and should NOT be regarded as legal advice. IT IS VERY important that you verify all information through the legitimate government website before making any decisions or plans. Remember that the results is always depend on your particular situation, the time prior on applying, time-frame and decisions are varies as long as you meet all the criteria they needed. All opinions are honest and my own! Feel free to ask question and NO complicated hard question please!. I try my very best to answer you back 😊.
Want to know the benefits of having Dual Citizenship (Filipino and Swedish) you can check the website of Philippine Embassy:
- Petition Form (2 original copies). The embassy has a form available in their website. When filling in the form, please write in CAPITAL LETTERS. Also, please put “N/A” for items that are not applicable.
- Colored, passport-size photographs with white background taken within the last three months from the date of application (4 pieces).
- Birth Certificate issued by the (PSA) Philippine Statistic Authority (original and 5 photocopies) Original copies will not be returned.
- If MARRIED: Marriage Certificate (MC) or Report of Marriage in Security Paper (SECPA) issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). If marriage abroad has not been registered, please see Report of Marriage. (original and 5 photocopies)
- Latest Philippine Passport (original and 6 photocopies).
- Foreign Passport - Swedish Passport (original and 6 photocopies).
- Certificate of Swedish Citizenship in English issued by Swedish Migrations Board (Migrationsverket) and authenticated by the Foreign Ministry of the issuing country. If English version cannot be obtained, have the certificate translated in English and notarized, then authenticated by the Foreign Ministry of the issuing country (original and 6 photocopies).
- In case the name of the applicant in his/her birth certificate is different from that in his/her foreign passport and other documents, the applicant shall execute an affidavit explaining such difference and present as supporting documents, two (2) public or private documents showing the correct name of the applicant. The Consular Officer reserves the right to request additional documents from the applicant.
Before anything else you need to complete first all the requirements and if happens you don’t have your Authenticated PSA Birth Certificate (BC) and Marriage Certificate (MC) on hand, you can order it online through PSAserbilis (formerly e-Census) even if you are living abroad they can deliver it to you for only 20.30$ per copy of requests. You will receive your documents through PhilPost registered mail 6-8 weeks after payment. (I suggest that you to do this first because ordering it takes days or weeks. They also require it to be PSA. See picture below how it looks like when I received it from my mail).

So while you are waiting for your Birth certificate and Marriage certificate you ordered from the Philippines, you can now process your other requirements like ordering your Certificate of Swedish Citizenship in English. You can actually order English version of your Certificate from Migrationsverket Website, just include a note that you would like the certificate to be in English instead of Swedish. They will charge you a fee if the copies amount to 10 pages or more. The first nine pages are free, the tenth page costs SEK 50 and each additional page after that is SEK 2. The cost of postal delivery and postage will also be added but you can pay it when you received you certificate.
After you received your Swedish Certificate (english), it has to be authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden so you'll have to send your document by post, addresses to:



Dual Principal - NOK 450
Dependent - NOK 225
Affidavit/ROB/ROM - NOK 225
Passport - NOK 540 (if applying for a Philippine passport)
Postage - NOK 300

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Take care mmmwuah! ❤
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